
About Me

I am a gifted and talented teacher in Crowley, Texas to a bunch of future Einsteins.  I have a special place in my heart for  gifted students and truly believe that they will be our next leaders into a brighter, more technological world.   While most of the kids I teach come from economically disadvantaged homes, I still want to bring in as much technology into my classroom and into their their lives as I can.  This is the world we live in today.   There is still so much out there that I am still trying to learn, but why not learn with the kids?  Our resources may be limited, but the sky is the limit when it comes to using technology to bring the outside world into the classroom with just a push of a button.

This is my 16th year to teach.  I have taught first grade, seventh grade and fourth grade before finding my niche with GATE (Gifted And Talented Education).  But my teaching career really began when I, myself,  was in fifth grade.  Mrs. Hroch was my teacher, and as far as teachers go she is above and beyond the rest.  I remember learning about ecosystems and instead of reading about them from a book, she bought us terrariums with plants and a lizard and we got to feed it daily.  She wasn’t just a teacher during school hours either.  During Christmas time she would have us over to her house.  After meeting her family and enjoying a few snacks we walked her streets singing Christmas carols.  She ran the student council that I eventually became president of.  I wanted to be just like Mrs. Hroch.  I think that was the first moment I really, truly wanted to become a teacher.  At the end of the week she would throw away her unused worksheets and I would take them from the trash and bring them home to play school with my younger sister. Which of course is why she is so smart.  I still today model some of my teaching practices after her.

Currently, I teach a pull out program for kinder through fourth grade at two schools.  Being at two schools has definitely upped my organizational skills.  It’s hard to teach a lesson at one school when your stuff is at another.  But I enjoy my job and love the kids I teach.  I get to watch them grow year after year as they move from kinder on up.  While my time with them is limited to just once a week, aside from our regular curriculum we focus on  a big research project that we present at the end of the year.  Each year I find new ways of adding technology to the projects and  the kids LOVE it!  We work hard on being creative, and innovative and challenging those bright young brains.  My little Einsteins keep me on my toes and eager to keep learning.

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