
Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Three books I love reading with the kids and teaching about individuality are Miss Hunnicutt's Hat by Jeff Brunbeau and Gail deMarcken, Odd Velvet by Mary E. Whitcomb  and Three Hens and a Peacock by Lester Laminack.  Each book is unique but the message is the same.  It is ok to be yourself.  It is ok to be unique and different.  Since my kids are gifted and talented, some of them feel very different compared to their peers.  They think different, they have those quirky GT qualities that makes them so very special.  We talk about how it is ok to be themselves.

Odd Velvet is a strange little girl with unique interests.  When the rest of the girls in her class bring dolls for show and tell, Velvet brings a milkweed plant.  One day at school the kids were having a drawing contest.  Everyone knew that because Velvet only had 8 crayons, she could never win.  But little did they know how very talented Velvet really was.  Velvet also had a vivid imagination.  When Velvet invited everyone from class to her house for her birthday party they pretended to fight dragons, jump over the moat and had a she even taught them how to draw like she did.  Suddenly, Odd Velvet wasn't so odd after all.  

For our activity, the kids were given a folded piece of paper to look like a gift.  We discussed that we have many gifts and talents.  Inside the folded paper, the kids were to draw a picture of themselves and draw four pictures of things they were good at, or their gifts.  

Miss Hunnicutt is also a unique individual that wears a live chicken on her hat.  The town is preparing for the Queen's annual drive from her country cottage to her city castle.  They notice Miss Hunnicutt's hat and are embarrassed!  No one wants her to wear it but Miss Hunnicutt insists. When the Queen  drives by she notices Miss Hunnicutt's hat and stops.  She too has a hat like Miss Hunnicutt but instead of a chicken, she has a turkey!  Because of their similar tastes in fashion, the Queen invites Miss Hunnicutt to her castle for a party.  The other townspeople are jealous and even those that made fun of Miss Hunnicutt have decided to follow her fashion and wear live animals on their heads.  
After reading this book the kids made their own hats and put fun animals on them.  We paraded around the school with them for all to see.  

The last book about uniqueness that we use in my class is Three Hens and a Peacock.  This funny book demonstrates that it is ok to have your own special talents even if they aren't like everyone else.  The Peacock and the Hens learned the hard way when each tried to trade jobs for the day.  For this activity the kids used washable markers on coffee filters.  They colored them completely not to leave any white.  Once they were done I sprayed them with a squirt bottle of water to blend the colors.  Once they dried we added the features of the peacock.

The kids used solo cups with hole in the bottom and a string threaded through.  When you wet your fingers and rub them down the string, it makes the sound of a hen.  The kids all laughed the first time they heard the chicken sounds.  

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